How to Wake Up Early Without Feeling Tired, According to Sleep Experts

You know that awful feeling of waking up groggy and tired, even after a full night’s sleep? You’re not alone. 

Lots of people struggle to wake up feeling refreshed.  Hitting snooze might seem tempting, but those extra few minutes of sleep can actually leave you feeling more tired in the long run.

But guess what? There’s good news! Sleep experts have been studying sleep for a long time, and they’ve cracked the code on how to become a morning person.

The secret isn’t just about going to bed early. It’s about understanding your body’s natural rhythms and making small changes to your routine. 

In this article, I’ll share tips and strategies that are backed by experts to help you ditch the snooze button and start enjoying your mornings. So, get ready to learn how to become a morning person (without feeling totally wiped out)!

1. Don’t Hit Snooze — AT ALL

We all love that snooze button, but it can actually make you more tired. Experts say that broken sleep at the end of the night messes up your whole sleep cycle. 

Here’s a cool trick: try setting two alarms, one 90 minutes before you want to wake up and another for your actual wake-up time. This can help you wake up feeling more refreshed because you’ll be waking up at the natural end of a sleep cycle, not in the middle of a dream!

2. Hydrate First 

Dehydration can really zap your energy in the morning. Drinking a big glass of water first thing can make a big difference.  Sipping on more water throughout the day can also help you feel less sluggish and think more clearly. 

Try keeping a water bottle by your bedside to make it easy to drink water as soon as you wake up.

3. Stretch with Morning Yoga

Feeling stiff in the morning? Stretching or some yoga can wake up your body and mind. During sleep, your muscles kind of turn off (it’s called atonia!). 

Stretching gets them going again, which releases endorphins that give you a nice energy boost. Even just 25 minutes of yoga can make a big difference!

4. Splash Your Face with Cold Water

Need a quick way to feel more alert? Cold water can do the trick! Splashing your face with cold water or even taking a cold shower can help you feel more awake. If getting out of bed is a struggle, keep a spray bottle next to your bed to mist your face.

5. Fuel Up with Breakfast

Skipping breakfast is a recipe for feeling tired and grumpy.  Give your body some good fuel with a breakfast that has protein, whole grains, nuts, and fruits that are lower in sugar. This will help keep your blood sugar levels steady and give you long-lasting energy throughout the morning.

6. Watch Your Sugar Intake

Sugary drinks and foods might seem like a good morning pick-me-up, but they can actually lead to a sugar crash later, making you feel even more tired. 

Choose whole foods with natural sugars instead.  Check the labels to see how much sugar is in what you’re eating!

7. Moderate Your Coffee Intake

Coffee can be great, but too much can backfire and make you feel more tired later. Try cutting back on how much you drink. Using a smaller cup can help you control your caffeine intake.

8. Get Morning Sunlight

Sunlight helps your body make serotonin, which is a mood booster that can help you sleep better at night and have more energy during the day. 

Spending some time outside in the morning, or even just opening your curtains, can help regulate your natural sleep-wake cycle.

8. Do Cardio

Exercise, especially cardio, is known to fight fatigue. Try a brisk walk, a bike ride, or even some jumping jacks to get your blood pumping in the morning. This can give you a nice energy boost to start your day.

10. Manage Stress

Feeling stressed can really drain your energy in the morning. Figure out what’s stressing you out and try to deal with it. 

Planning your outfit the night before, doing some meditation, or taking a few minutes for some calming breaths can all help you feel more relaxed and ready to face the day.

11. Plan Something to Look Forward To

Having something to look forward to in the morning can make getting out of bed way easier.  Plan a call with a friend, take a walk during your break, or make a delicious breakfast you can’t wait to eat!

12. Create a Sleep Routine

Consistent sleep and wake times can regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to wake up feeling refreshed each day. 

Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, to maintain a regular sleep schedule that supports healthy sleep patterns.

When to See a Doctor

If you’ve tried all these tips and still feel wiped out in the mornings, it might be a good idea to see a doctor.  Feeling super tired can be a sign of sleep disorders, depression, or other health problems that need medical attention.

By following these simple tips, you can transform your mornings and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day!

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