How To Make People Like You: 10 Tricks That Work Every Time Backed By Science

Have you ever met someone who everyone seems to click with? Science can actually explain why some folks are naturally likable!

By understanding these secrets, you can build stronger friendships and feel more at ease in social situations. This article will tell you about 10 easy tricks backed by science that can seriously boost your likability.

1. Copy Others

Imagine meeting someone who seems to get you right away. One reason for this might be something called mirroring.

A study by some brainiacs at New York University found that people tend to like those who copy their actions in a subtle way. This “chameleon effect” can be used by casually copying the other person’s body language, gestures, and maybe even how they talk a little bit.

But don’t go overboard – being yourself is still important!

2. Spend More Time

The more we see someone, the more likely we are to consider them a friend. This is called the “mere-exposure effect.”

A study at the University of Pittsburgh showed this by having some women attend a class a couple of times, while others came to almost every class. The guys in the class liked the women they saw more often better, even if they didn’t really talk to them.

So, spend time with the people you want to be friends with, and let familiarity do its magic.

3. Compliment People

Everyone enjoys a compliment, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. Insincere flattery can backfire, so focus on real compliments that highlight specific things you like about the person.

Source: Pexels

A study in a journal called “Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin” found that people liked compliments that were more personal and focused on their achievements. Instead of saying “You look nice,” try “That color looks awesome on you!”

4. Listen To People

People want to feel heard and understood. Listening makes people feel connected and valued. This means more than just waiting for your turn to talk. Make eye contact, nod sometimes, and ask interesting questions to show you’re paying attention.

5. Remember People’s Names

Our names are special to us. Using someone’s name in conversation makes them feel important and remembered.

A study at Cornell University showed that people tend to remember information better when their name is used. So, try to remember and use names whenever you can!

6. Find Common Things

Discovering things you have in common is a great way to build a connection with someone.

People naturally like those who share their interests. During conversations, look for ways to connect over hobbies, things you like to do, or experiences you’ve had. This creates a sense of shared identity and makes you feel like teammates.

7. Admit Mistakes

People tend to be more forgiving of those who admit to minor mistakes. This is called the “Pratfall Effect.”

A study in the “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” found that revealing a relatable flaw actually made a person seem more likable. So, don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself or share a funny mistake you’ve made.

8. Smile More Often

Smiling is a universal sign of warmth and friendliness. Research by the University of California, San Francisco shows that smiles are contagious. When you smile at someone, it can make them feel good too, making them feel more comfortable and at ease.

Source: Pexels

9. Body Language

Your body language can say a lot before you even speak. Make eye contact, stand up straight with your arms uncrossed, and avoid fidgeting. These nonverbal cues signal confidence and openness, making you seem more approachable.

Source: Pexels

10. Ask Fun Questions

People love to talk about themselves, and asking thoughtful questions shows you’re interested in getting to know them. Move beyond boring questions and delve deeper.

Ask about their hobbies, dreams, or experiences. This fosters a sense of connection and encourages them to ask you questions too.

Remember, while these tricks can be helpful tools, genuine connections are built on being yourself and treating others with respect. By incorporating these insights and letting your personality shine, you can build stronger, more meaningful relationships.

So, the next time you meet someone new, which of these easy tricks will you try out first?

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